Thank you to everyone who tried the demo for Mech Armada during the Steam Next Fest! It was a blast!

Almost 7,000 people have downloaded the demo and 3,165 have played it as of today. About 2,000 of those played more than 20 minutes, with 159 players spending over 3 hours on the demo. I’m very happy with these results.
I received 200 pieces of feedback using the feedback button (you can press ‘F’ at any point in the demo), and many people also posted on Discord and the Steam community forums. The comments were very varied, including opinions about voice acting, skipping cutscenes, UI confusion, balance issues and many more. I read and consider each and every comment and you can expect changes coming as a direct result of the feedback I received.

But feedback is not the only tool I use to understand the health of the game. The demo keeps track of what the player is doing so I can gather some data on what areas of the game people are struggling with, and which Mech parts are picked more often.
First, some vanity data. 133,773 Swarm beasts have been killed so far, with 42,991 Mechs also suffering the same fate. Luckily, 49,189 Mechs have been spawned using energy, so I think so far it’s safe to say the war effort is working.
The demo has 3 difficulty levels and 6 battles, including the final boss. 43% of players started in Newcomer difficulty, 49% in Tactician difficulty and 8% went Hardcore. The biggest obstacle was the 3rd mission, with only 2/3 of players being able to beat it in Tactician difficulty. This is the first real test in the game so it’s not really a surprise.
Overall, around 30% of runs ended in final victory, depending on difficulty. This is a pretty good number considering the demo is pretty short. Expect to have to work a lot harder to reach final victory in the full game!
Finally, the best weapon according to you is the Missile Pod, which is chosen 4 out of 5 times. The favorite transport is the Mega Walker, chosen 2 out of 3 times. And the favorite body is the Cloner (it has 3 weapon slots!) chosen 3 out of 4 times.
Here’s a handy infographic for the visual people: