To Indie or not to Indie

Just before I started Lioncode Games I asked a popular Indie developer for their advice: based on the idea for the game that became Mech Armada and my situation, would they start an indie startup to make the game, or look for a job at a well-established studio? He said don’t go indie. I’ve been…

Deeper Meaning

Philosophy Many years ago, I was casually browsing a bookstore’s shelves when I saw a book titled The Simpsons and Philosophy and my curiosity was piqued. As you might expect, the book made several points about philosophy and ethics based on the content of the popular TV show. It’s real, you can find it here….

Mech Armada: Genesis

If it’s true that we are the sum total of our experiences, then Mech Armada should reflect that: as a solo developer I’m fully responsible for the design and all decisions, even if other people contributed to it. I’ve been thinking about this recently and I can recall some moments which I believe helped shape…